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Everybody has a part to play in improving health in Wales.

Lifelong Health for Schools

Why is health important?

Poor dietary habits, physical inactivity, smoking, alcohol overuse and chronic stress are major contributors to the development and progression of preventable chronic diseases…obesity places one at greater risks of illness’ such as diabetes, heart disease, strokes, COPD and certain cancers.  


For the first time in history, lifestyle diseases kill more people than communicable diseases. 


In general, healthy nutrition should be an integral part of daily life, which contributes to the physiological, mental and social well being of individuals.  Healthy eating and being physically active are particularly important for children and adolescents.  This is because their nutrition and lifestyle influence their wellbeing, growth and development.


Education and good nutrition are fundamental for health. Health, education and nutrition support and enhance each other.  In general, improving health and nutrition brings the greatest education benefits to the poor and the most vulnerable, and the school can be an ideal setting through which to strive to both.

At Lifelong Health, we believe that...

All children deserve the right to choose a healthy lifestyle.

We can empower individuals to make healthy lifestyle choices regardless of budgets.

It is everyone's responsibility to  improve the future health of our children.

Our Aim

To provide guidance and information to empower individuals to make healthier lifestyle choices and give people the tools and support in which to do this.

How can we do that?

We offer comprehensive workshops, working with all aged children through primary and secondary schools, providing fun and interactive ways of learning all about the importance of healthy lifestyles and how the choices made impact their health and future.


Work with selected children and their families to become ‘healthy champions’ to help promote future health in their schools and monitor the progress made through regular meetings and tutorials.


Offer guidance and support for teachers to be able to continue working alongside the Welsh Network of Healthy School Schemes and Estyn.

What do the workshops cover?

Fun, interactive workshops for all school-aged children, target specific for each cohort and focussing on identified needs of the students and wider community. Aiming to bridge the gap between education and meeting the physical, emotional and mental health of students.


Examples of a workshop as follows:


  • Welsh Government Stats on Obesity, Diabetes and its complications, tooth decay and depression all in children

  • Fruit and vegetables-fresh and frozen V pre-packed (harmful and not cost-effective)

  • Nutritional quality of food/food groups/balanced nutrition and the Eatwell Guide

  • Reducing added sugars/stabilising sugar to prevent sugar slumps/surges

  • Reducing consumption of energy/fizzy drinks and harmful effects

  • Wonders of water

  • Essentials of quality sleep

  • Foods for moods

  • Importance of breakfast

  • Effects of poor diet V good (balanced) diet on everyday life/sport performance/energy level/outlook on life

  • Screen time V being outdoors

  • Oral hygiene


Through these interactive, fun workshops, children are able to gain the knowledge and understanding they need in a familiar environment. These essential skills learned will empower children by reinforcing ownership and give them the initiative to take responsibility of a healthier lifestyle and drive the messages forward through the wider community.


Topics we cover include;

Essentials of Exercise

Social Media / Screen Time Influence

Balanced Nutrition - Importance of Food Groups, Eatwell Guide

Food for Good Mood

The Importance of Breakfast

Essentials of Quality Sleep

Reducing Energy and Fizzy Drink Consumption

The Magic of Outdoors

The Wonders of Water

Reducing Sugar - How to be Sugar Smart


"It was really good to see how much sugar was in all my favourite food - I really didn’t realise it was so much!"

- Julia


"I liked all the exercises - they were really fun"

- Brooke


"The video was funny, and the exercises were really good too."

- Jacob 


"This was a really hands on and interesting way to educate children about the sugar in their foods. My class thoroughly enjoyed this workshop."

- Mrs Archer

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